Saturday, October 24, 2009


So today was my City Meet for swim, which is the meet before Regionals. I only had one race, the 200 I.M., which I HATE!!! But coach promised I would never have to do that race ever again, not even next year! But he did say the same thing this year too.... so I don't know if I can trust him... So the race went really good I even dropped 3 seconds!!! (Which is a lot!) But I got disqualified!! I was doing my breaststroke kick wrong... which is stupid!! But whatever... Then I just hung out with my teammates, then after the meet Hohokams put on a BBQ for us at Hohokan Stadium. And I got new goggles!! They are green, I even see in GREEN!! :)

1 comment:

Kylee said...

Dude I LOVE HoHoKams to death! But..sister like sister, i too HATE the I.M. :( Freaking death race! And i was also told my sophomore year i wouldn't have to ever do an I.M. again, but did I?! YEPPERS!!! Good luck with that Kel!